Kushiel’s Legacy – Jacqueline Carey

The land of Terre d’Ange is a place of unsurpassing beauty and grace. It is said that angels found the land beautiful and its people welcoming and it was here that Elu and those angels who came from heaven to walk with him made their home in ages past.  The ensuing race, the D’Angelines, that…

Happy Birthday Charlotte Bronte

Writer Charlotte Brontë was born on this day, April 21, 1816, in Thornton, Yorkshire, England.  She was supposedly the most outspoken and ambitious of the Brontës, which was unusual for a woman of her time and background. In fact Charlotte was raised in a strict Anglican home by her clergyman father and a religious aunt…

Gratefully Accepting These Award Nominations

This award nomination is a great delight to receive as it comes from one of my favorite bloggers Lydia at A Idiot’s Guide To Parenting.  It is a hilarious blog written by someone who is in no way an idiot and is in fact my favorite funny mummy. Lydia has a sharp and entertaining sense…

The Man Who Gave Us Dracula

On this day in 1912,  Bram Stoker  died at No. 26 St George’s Square, London. He was cremated, and his ashes placed in a display urn at Golders Green Crematorium.  Born in Dublin, Ireland, on November 8, 1847, Bram Stoker published his first literary work, The Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland, a handbook…

Doing It By The Numbers

Hands up who enjoys interacting and chatting, debating and dueling and all the fun activities you discover when you join the blogging world. [pause for a hand count] Ok those of you with your hands down I think that if you’re like me you started this as a venture to talk about things you were…

Day of the Cabbage

Do you ever have days when the highest form of thought you’re capable of achieving wouldn’t compare to the sentience of a cabbage?  I do and boy was yesterday one of them.  If you had spied me sitting here staring at the computer keys I would have looked like some poor unfortunate time traveler dumped…

Childhood Memories of Home

  It’s overcast so often and cold but when it’s warm there is the fish pond in the back yard.  I would sit and watch the different fish swirl and flash. My poor mother was always terrified that I’d fall in. I was only 2yrs old but I remember the pond and the sun and…