Trip Down Memory Lane

Some memories you wish you could banish forever and others are so wonderful that the idea of encasing them in amber seems the most fitting tribute.  Sadly we too often concentrate on those memories that cause us pain which is why when I saw the I Challenge You writing prompt for Nostalgia I was immediately…

Versatile Blogger Award

  Once again I have to thank Amanda from Insidethelifeofmoi as well as the funny mummy from naptimethoughts for their generosity in nominating me for The Versatile Blogger Award.  It is so amazing to have this kind of feedback so early into my blogging adventure and I will be passing on my nominations to others who…

Coloured Thoughts

  So many things in life are coloured by our beginnings.  Be it good, bad or merely indifferent the lessons learned early in life leave a deep impression on our psyche and often colour our choices or perceptions without our even being aware.  As we age do we evolve as people or simply become more…

Darkness Falls & Eternally Yours

  She’s back or is she – that it seems will be the question and by her choices wheels of something greater start to turn. This is the continuation of our irrepressible heroine Nastasya’s journey toward herself as she struggles to accept the past and live in the present.   Suffice to say that in…

We Are Living in a Digital World

After my first few fumbling’s into social media and the digital world I have to admit I am somewhat in sympathy. I mean I love my kindle and all that it holds but it really isn’t the same as being ensconced in a comfy chair, putting your feet up and falling into the pages of a book.  There…

Starting To Take Shape

This has been such an interesting experience, venturing into something like this on my own behalf and not for a client or friend. I will admit that some of it has been challenging but all of it in a positive way. Making the choice to reconnect with the world and finding to my very great…

First Timer

    I’ve been looking for a way to talk about so many things that have happened in my life.  A way to release so much of the tension that lives coiled inside me and has for so many years.  There is something about writing especially in writing to be read, that enables me to…