Fulminating on Friday

Lets add some snark to the Weekend Funny Challenge. Last weekend we looked at amusing prose or poetry this weekend lets throw open the door and welcome in those who wander the world of Snark. If it’s sarcastic, caustic and just a little mean then bring it on this weekend. All you have to do…

Excellent Points For A Raise

Oh my, haven’t we all been there at some point and sadly in today’s economic climate those are the companies most likely to be wanting our time and attention. I think such a unique request for a raise should gain points overall with a boss don’t you? Once again thank you to Smile Be Happy…

Friday Funny

Well we’ve passed another week here in the land of blog and what an action packed one it’s been.  The Weekend Challenge is coming up and I’m really looking forward to reading the submissions of all those who wish to participate.  Remember to include the URL from the Weekend Funny Challenge to create a ping-back…