Oz Update

Well as I said in a previous post things have gotten somewhat interesting here in the land of Oz and not in a good way.  For a country that is supposed to pride itself about providing a ‘fair go’ for everyone we seem to be failing rather badly on a variety of fronts.  I don’t…

She’s Alive…Beautiful…Finite and Hurting – Thursday’s Thought for the Day

  Thank you to Tashi Witekauha for sharing Sanctuary Asia’s Clip with us – this world is a gift, a precious gift not an unlimited convenience store that can be restocked when it’s shelves are emptied.  We live because of it and to destroy its’ resources for greed and profit is to destroy ourselves. This world and all on it is…

Little Thought for Thursday

Well now this is a lovely piece of snark from Smile – Be Happy, aimed at our illustrious Prime Minister and his minions. All of whom have just decided to gut funding into research, revoke funding for the environmental research and planning, increased the cost of medicare along with raising the age of the retirement…

Monday’s Musings

So the Easter weekend has passed us by and some have celebrated with a surfeit of chocolates, others with religious services and some a combination of the two.  There are those who don’t celebrate Easter in the religious sense but take the time to spend moments with family and friends and express themselves in that manner.…