NSW – A Police State?

  The New South Wales Government, Whitehaven coal and the State Police have all been working hard to turn Maules Creek into a fine example of what can be achieved in a police state.  At the behest of Whitehaven coal Maules Creek residents have been stopped from attending Good Friday Church services due to NSW…

What The Frack

Okay I know I said weekends were for the funny but since I’ve already fallen off the wagon in that regard I feel just fine about launching into my new rant.  So two issues Fracking and new legislation aimed at hobbling protest against the government. Let’s start with number two shall we (both literally and…

The Fight Is On

      It’s on ladies and gentlemen we’re taking the fight for the reef to court .  The fight to prevent the dredging and dumping of waste into the Great Barrier Reef has gone legal. Overwhelming support both vocal and financial has meant that we can challenge the government over its decision.  Already Lend Lease one…