Tuesday – Time to Think

I saw this on Spritualer a few weeks ago and have had it tucked away for the right time.  It’s been an exhausting few days waiting to see what would happen further north and how far the cyclone would reach but it also gave me some time to consider a few things in my life and I realized that despite the difficulty and the uncertain road I am actually more content and at ease with who I am than I have ever been.  The things that come to you in the middle of a crisis – strange huh!!  So I went back to this quote and read it again and realized that yes this was me now and all that there are others who may need to remind themselves that even in adversity we gain.

stronger cause I've had to be

26 thoughts on “Tuesday – Time to Think

    • It is – the cyclone passed and is now breaking up out in the coral sea and the clean-up where we are isn’t too bad. Further north is a bit more of an issue as is the nickel refinery waste pools overflowing into the reef. Take care of yourself and hope you have a wonderful day.


      • You to Jenni. Have been following the news. Not impressed with the nickel refinery waste pools overflowing into the reef. We visited the reef in November, 2013 a lot has changed since we were there in 2005. Take care and have a lovely Easter.


  1. Thanks for the quote it is timely this evening…
    I’m sorry for the troubles on your side of the globe. My thoughts continue to be with ya’ll.
    Thanks for keeping us up to date on things while keeping our spirits concerning our troubles as well.
    Big Hugs


  2. I spent a lot of time on the Dark Side (HR). When I interviewed someone who had worked for (or, even better, owned) a company that failed, I always asked what happened. And they always knew what went wrong. You can’t learn disaster experience in school or even be told, but it’s invaluable. They were almost always great hires. I pray for all caught up in the storm’s devastation, but I’m confident you’ll come through with the strength and grace I’ve seen in all your posts.


    • Thank you for your kind thoughts. It is true that dealing with crisis is not something that can be learnt third hand, you may think you understand what needs to happen but until you’re in the midst of it you don’t understand how quickly things change on you.


  3. Neat quote Jenni. Thank you. It is absolutely true and yet it would not be a path deliberately chosen by many if any. I have always had an issue with those who proport to have a life purpose of pursuing happiness. In my experience that comes out of failure, disaster, unavoidable pain and suffering.And then learning from it all and carrying on. Quite a feeling of contentment and fulfillment, isn’t it?


    • It is – hard and sometimes you want to throw up your hands and say ‘enough emotional growth for the next decade thank you’ but who I am as a person is what life has made me and in my heart I wouldn’t change that now.


  4. We see ourselves best in times of difficulty. I know that, more than anything, my hard times have formed me into the person I am today. Hard lessons to learn sometimes, but needful.


  5. Reminds me of the old saying ” fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”
    I’m a firm believer in everything happens for a reason, the good and the bad. It’s up to us how those experiences shape us and our character. We can either take the good and bad and grow for it or let it break us or turn us into something we are not. I try my best to learn from everything no matter how big or small.


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