Big Bang Theory Meets Religion

Welcome Back to the Weekend Funny Challenge   I’ve decided that with the almost daily dose of pain, loss and general anger that abounds, not just in this country but in so many others it was time to reinstate an old habit of mind that dedicates the weekend to that of humor. It can run…

Crying for a stranger.

I’m not a crier. I’m not easily moved to actual, physical tears – I rarely cry in movies, or for strangers, no matter how genuinely saddened I may feel. Yet this week, I shed tears for a 23 year old Iranian man I’ve never met. The tragic last few days of Omid’s life have by now been well documented. He…

An open letter to the Prime Minister of Australia

I’ve been trying to find the words to describe just how wrong the decision that the Turnbull government made this Friday when it caved to the bullies of the religious right wing zealots. Turns out I didn’t have to find the words because someone has already said what needs to be said and has much…