One Lovely Blog & Dragon Award

blogging 2The last few months since starting this venture have been so interesting.  Stretching into different areas with my writing, finding other bloggers whose work both entertains and informs as well as those who are just out-and-out hilarious. However one of the truly surprising and rewarding points during this time has been the recognition from others in the form of awards designed to promote new blogs, recognise those blogs that have had an impact and to show appreciation for the efforts we all put into this experience.  I’ve recently been nominated for my third Liebster award as well as the second Quintet of Radiance, however I feel that due to the multiple nominations it is not fair to continue to accept those of which I already have.


one-lovely-blog-award1The latest two award nominations are for One Lovely Blog by Belsbror

loyalty-awardand the Dragon Loyalty by markbialczak both of which I have never participated in before and am thrilled at the opportunity to do so now.



So just to start things off on the wrong foot I will be nominating people for both these awards at the same time. Nothing like a little rule breaking to get the show on the road now is there. But first I have to thank those who nominated me for these awards and then provide seven random facts about myself, hmm shouldn’t be too hard [she says gamely] So to both Belsbror and Mark Bialczak I say a very big:

Thank you


Now on to the Random:

  1. I have a tendency to sarcasm
  2. I don’t trust morning people
  3. I’m allergic to aspirin [honest – I mean who’s allergic to aspirin right!]
  4. I have green eyes
  5. Love reading [spent more on books than I did on rent one year – oops]
  6. Addicted to Coca Cola [with no intention to EVER stop]
  7. Love my family

I will be nominating the following blogs for this award also:

Teela Hart – Surviving Domestic Violence



David Kanigan – Live & Learn

My Name is Ellie – This is who I am.

Ruthie Rambles


Little Miss Menopause






31 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog & Dragon Award

    • Thanks – well I have to let the inner snark out every now and then else it would break free and go on a sniping/snarking rampage [imagine PMS with weapons] so this blog is a great place to let it run. Plus I get to use my ‘serious’ voice for other things as well as indulging in total giggle and snort moments. Thanks for the hugs – [hugging gesture] Enjoy the weekend. 😀


  1. It’s a pleasure to meet you Jenni! I see you are burning the oil in the late night hours tonight like I am. Thanks for your following. I just returned to WP after a slight bowing out to work on getting my book out into the hands of the public. Have a great weekend! Brenda


    • Thank you for taking the time to drop in and congratulations on your book. The work that went in to my husbands last two and the publicity was hard on him so I understand why you would have needed to step away from WP for a while. Look forward to seeing your work now that you’re back. Jenni


      • Thanks Jenni! There is much to be said and we all have opinions. Plenty of readers and usually not enough listeners, but hey? This is how I get my words out. Who says you can’t have a social life now that modern technologies have brought us into the computer world. I live with chronic illness which keeps me moving at a slow pace. Take care Jenni and thanks for your note.


      • It’s a world we create and fill with what we wish and we can adapt it to suit the needs of the moment. Its flexibility is something that I really enjoy about this space. Jenni


    • Thanks – and yeah 3 is harsh especially when you take into account I suffer migraines [the real deal not just bad headaches] and the most effective medication is aspirin based – strong pain killers work but don’t actually impact on the migraine itself as I’m told blood thinning type drugs do. So NOT FAIR in big letters. [sook whinge sook]


  2. Congratulations on being nominated for the awards Jenni. You are so deserving. And thank you for the nomination. As to #1 (sarcasm) and #5 (reading) – we share DNA – expect I’m not in the “tendency” bucket – I’m dripping with both.


    • Ah well – tendency was more a euphemism for prone to at all times and at inappropriate moments. Still I do consider sarcasm as a legitimate form of communication and those who try to lower the tone by decrying it is the lowest form of wit say that only because they lack the cerebral skills to match words with a true Sarcastor. [there are so many of us I decided we needed a designation]. Jenni 😀


  3. Congratulations Jennifer ( I hope I can call you that. ) well done and well deserved
    I don’t accept awards anymore but I really am grateful to be nominated. I shall thank you officially and nominate three other bloggers. I hope this will not offend you. Hugs and well done again. Xxx xxx


    • No offense at all – I most likely won’t be doing any more either as there are others who could do with the coverage but these two I hadn’t participated in so I gave it a whirl [cheating horribly on the requirements of course]. Jenni 😀


  4. I have to trust morning people as both my husband and my daughter are mind-blowingly and irritatingly perky and happy in the mornings. It does my head in. My son and I, and my assistance dog, Lola, take several hours to emerge from comatose and aren’t really that friendly until after midday. I also love reading and my family… so we have a lot in common!

    Liz – currently doing an A-Z challenge, one poem and animal facts every day in April at (and stuff about my assistance dog.) Thanks for stopping by and following!


    • It’s great you’ve taken the time to drop in and chat and I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for your posts in the future. [morning people just don’t make sense!!] Jenni 🙂


  5. Pingback: willowdot21

  6. I trust morning people…but I just dont get them. My wife is a morning person. I have to remind her perioducally that I am not. This admission only seems to make her happier.

    Go figure.

    I’m enjoying your blog. Congratulations to those who were nominated!


    • Hmmm still deeply suspicious of morning people – just what is there to be so happy about that early. Thanks for the feedback and I’m glad you enjoy the blog. Look forward to reading your posts in the future. Jenni


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