Wow – The Liebster Award Makes a Return.

Liebster award label

One of the fascinating and exciting things about blogging is the people you meet.  New ideas and insights come from places you would never expect and the idea of friendship in cyberspace does not seem that unrealistic at times.  Maybe it is because of the distance and relative anonymity that a blog can offer that we are more likely to reveal what is truly on our minds and in our hearts.

Regardless of this there is also the wonderful feeling of appreciation that comes when someone responds to a post with thoughts of their own and even more so when the nominate you for recognition. I would like to thank the fascinating Neuron Tree for the nomination and to recommend her blog to any and all who appreciate those who create their own beat in life. So as part of this I need to answer the questions she has set for me and when I pass it on set some questions of my own.  Well here goes:


  1. Do you drink? What is your alcohol preference? – Not anymore as I have a theory we are all given a maximum amount for one lifetime before we step over into blotto land and I had consumed mine by the time I was 23.  When I did drink it was Southern & Coke or Scotch & Soda. For special drinking nights there was also the fun of Sambuca shots.
  2. If you were a tree, what kind would you be and why? Don’t care as long as I bloom all year round and no one tries to log me.
  3. What is your favorite thing to findbe it in a store, on the street, in the woods, etc I love coming across old books.
  4. Do you have houseplants? Why? Why not? Oh no – I can garden but indoor plants just die of tobacco poisoning.
  5. What was the last major goal you met? Meeting my writing deadlines for work even though I work at home and no one is there to harass me to get things done on time.
  6. Do you consider yourself environmentally conscious? If so, what measures do you take? Yes, I recycle, make most food from scratch rather than buy packaged sauces and marinades or pastas. I’m an active member of a number of environmental groups and offer my services pro bono for speech writing, press releases and such. I march when I have to or sit if it is called for.
  7. Why do you blog? The experience of regaining the feeling of writing for myself and not for a client.
  8. What’s the most interesting place you have visited? The Waipoua forest in New Zealand on the North Island – it has Kourie trees there one of which is the largest left and is so big you have to lie flat on your back to see even the lower branches.  They don’t log any more as while the wood is amazing Kourie is a slow-growing tree and Tane Mahuta the largest left is believed to be millenia old with enough timber to build 25 standard size timber homes. I’ve never seen anything so amazing in my life.
  9. Given the opportunity, would you travel to space? Hell yeah.
  10. If you could make a documentary about one topic, what would it be? Why it is for humans to learn from past mistakes.
  11. Do you plan on making contributions to change the world? How? I hope I do a little with the work for the environmental groups as well as human  rights campaigns.  Mainly I try to be the best person I can and give what I can time and effort wise to help with things I feel important.  Only time will tell if any real mark is made.

So now comes the nominating of others which is always a little hard to do as there are a number I like for different reasons.



Corner of Confessions



Lydia Devadason




And now for the questions for my nominees – I’m afraid I will just be pinching those from right above me as I thinks they are pretty nifty ones at that.

  1. Do you drink? What is your alcohol preference?
  2. If you were a tree, what kind would you be and why?
  3. What is your favorite thing to find – be it in a store, on the street, in the woods, etc
  4. Do you have houseplants? Why? Why not?
  5. What was the last major goal you met?
  6. Do you consider yourself environmentally conscious? If so, what measures do you take?
  7. Why do you blog?
  8. What’s the most interesting place you have visited?
  9. Given the opportunity, would you travel to space?
  10. If you could make a documentary about one topic, what would it be?
  11. Do you plan on making contributions to change the world? How?

thank you 2

17 thoughts on “Wow – The Liebster Award Makes a Return.

    • It is no problem at all – I enjoy reading your posts about the different little kindnesses people do for each other. In the modern world it is sad that we need to be reminded of the good. Maybe that will change over time.


    • Thank you – and you as well, it is a great opportunity to meet other bloggers and get more exposure for your own blog. I hope you enjoy the process and meet a number of new people. Jenni.


  1. Thank you so much for the nomination. It us really touching when another bloggers sends an award. I’m going to reply to your questions here as I’ve received the Liebster three times now.

    Do you drink? What is your alcohol preference?
    I’m partial to an occasional White Russian since seeing The Big Lebowski.
    If you were a tree, what kind would you be and why?
    I think I’d like to be a willow. It would be lovely to be close to water. Or maybe a mangrove tree for the same reason.
    What is your favorite thing to find – be it in a store, on the street, in the woods, etc
    I love finding purple things! They jump out at me.
    Do you have houseplants? Why? Why not?
    I do. I’m trying to create greenery in my house for when it’s not green out and about.
    What was the last major goal you met?
    Getting 100 followers on my blog and writing more than seventy posts.
    Do you consider yourself environmentally conscious? If so, what measures do you take?
    So many things. At the moment I’m sharing our environment work on my blog.
    Why do you blog?
    I want to do things I enjoy more often, one of which is writing. That’s why I blog.
    What’s the most interesting place you have visited?
    Papua New Guinea. It was fascinating as an underwater destination.
    Given the opportunity, would you travel to space?
    No. I think we should focus more in the planet we live on instead if focussing elsewhere. Perhaps if we looked more carefully at inner space underwater our planet might be in Better shape.
    If you could make a documentary about one topic, what would it be?
    Endangered sea turtles.
    Do you plan on making contributions to change the world? How?
    I keep trying to make a contribution every day.


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