A Satire for Sunday – You’ll Frackin’ Love It

Beneath all that pointless nature in the Queensland countryside, lies sweet, sweet coal seam gas. As the sunshine state braces itself for an explosion in coal seam gas wells, satirical rabble-rousers A Rational Fear send in the bulldozers to unearth all the dirt on the mining movement that’s going radioactive.

The Guardian




21 thoughts on “A Satire for Sunday – You’ll Frackin’ Love It

  1. We have all this going on over here. It is a nightmare and I am concerned that every issue highlighted in the video is true…. If it were not so it would be hilarious…… 😦


    • You’d be surprised at the number of people who are fighting around the world against CSG mining but I can appreciate how frustrating it is. Sometimes I feel like I’m talking to myself even with the articles that get published on various E-news here in Australia. Each time I look at the my research cache that I run in the background collecting info/articles etc according to certain buzz words I get more and more frustrated. There is more each and every day and so much of it coming from those in Power who know better but just don’t care.


      • Yes I am afraid where the Lord Mamon is concerned those who have power and influence surge forward ears, eyes and minds tight shut! Only the mouths flapping! All we can do is keep on keeping on!


      • Yeah it’s a case of Hear no truth, See no truth and Speak no truth – in the case of the power brokers around the world.


  2. Excellent video Jenni. I watched a few others at the same time. The British documentary on fracking in Pennsylvania is equally frightening. I didn’t realize that CO2 emissions for life cycle natrural gas production by fracking, is similar to coal burning. That’s wild. And the spills and disposal problems. And the water problems – unreal. The sheer volume of wells speaks to the need for much greater policing (of health and safety concerns) and an error free operation, which it is not. Thank You for sharing and caring.


    • We’re not giving up here yet and we still have the chance to put a halt to any new wells if we can keep up the pressure. Just cross fingers it will work otherwise we will lose far too much for future generations.


  3. They are doing fracking where you are? Wonderful… I thought the problem was just here… Worldwide


    • Nope they’re trying it here but so far the protests etc have held them at bay but I think things will start getting nasty fairly soon at some of the protest camps. Riot police are being called in to one in NSW but have yet to be deployed. Social media means they can’t hide their actions or have their backers [murdoch – spit on him] edit the news coverage so I think they’re being a little careful at the moment.


      • In Texas the most conservative state even the right wing ranchers are standing up and voting against those loons who want fracking done… I wrote that post on my old blog”honey can you put out the tap water. It’s on fire again” I did get quite a few views on that one. You keep up the fight Jen.


      • Thanks – will be over at your blog later tonight. I’m working through the list to catch up on my reading. Sorry I haven’t visited recently. Jenni


      • That’s quite ok:) no that was my old blog.. Well have a wonderful Mother’s Day… You deserve it!


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