Faith in Yourself isn’t Vanity it is Simply the Belief in Your Right to a Place & Voice in this World

let me tell you a story.


OK I will admit it – I am a HUGE Doctor Who fan going right back into the dark ages of TV in the 1970’s when I would watch Dr Who followed by the Goodies. So when I saw this image on I F*&$#*ing Love Science it just stood up and yelled pick me pick me.

Strangely it was exactly the sort of thing I was looking for to put together with the second image from Spiritualer that you can see below.

Today I would like to ponder the idea that to find the strength to fight for this world and all who live on it we must first find the strength to have faith in our right to do so, in our own worth and value and in the fact that our words deserve to be heard despite what others would say.


33 thoughts on “Faith in Yourself isn’t Vanity it is Simply the Belief in Your Right to a Place & Voice in this World

    • Well who wouldn’t be a fan – time travel, a box bigger on the inside than on the out, sonic screwdrivers and an endless host of aliens half of whom are bent on destroying earth – What’s not to love!!


      • I’m just ancient enough to remember the original Black and white series. I was at high school and it was then, as it is now, the hight of cool for the intelligent kids [nerds?] to be excited about Dr Who….. even though we could barely see the image on our old fuzzy Black and white TVs


      • I really loved it. I was about 5 I think (1975) and my parents would only allow 1/2 TV each day which grew to an hours as my mum used to love watching the Goodies too. So it was Dr Who followed by the Goodies. The old fashioned cybermen scared me silly when I was little – much more than any of the other ‘aliens’ or ‘monster’ even that nifty Trifid thing they had going once wasn’t as bad.


  1. Ha! Yes, I am a fan of Dr. Who. I have another personally inspiring thought that gives the same message but from a different perspective. It states that you are the result of the winning sperm and egg combination that developed to reproductive age in over 250,000 generations consecutively. Imagine that – how much more special, unique and strong could anyone be? H9w much more a winner? You are set up to win. Anyway, great post Jenni. thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That was exactly what I needed to start my day! Thank you. I always wondered and still do, how for most people it simply seems obvious that they have a right to be here and do whatever they want and to speak their minds freely; as for me, most of my life I felt like dead weight for this planet and humankind…
    But as The Doctor also says: ‘Nobody important?! Blimey! That’s amazing! You know, in 900 years of time and space and I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important.’

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m a Dr. Who fan too and I also love science, but that quote neglects to mention the very real mind and will of God that created us from the star dust, and the Holy Spirit of God that gave us life. Science becomes worthless, at best, if it’s atheistic.


    • God or deity is in everything, as everything has to begin somewhere, the miracle is in the complex way that we are connected to everything in this universe and yet still unique unto ourselves.


      • Well said. I’m just bummed about all the scientists who are so blown away by the wonders of creation yet they give no credit at all to the Creator. If He didn’t renew our lives daily with His Spirit we’d all turn back into stardust and fade away forever. People take the Cross for granted.


      • It is hard for some to live in world where there are things that cannot be quantified and measured by any appreciable scale – it is also very lonely for them I would assume.


  4. Jenni, I couldn’t agree with you more on this one! Keep spreading your voice, it’s the voice of many who don’t know it yet. Love to you, A:)ex


  5. Great post! Huge Doctor Who fan here as well. I love how every episode makes you think about these things, and what is truly worth it!


  6. Just the title of this blog post was what I needed to read today. . .thank you! Also, you’re about the 100th person I’ve come in contact with to praise Dr. Who. I might give it a go this week.


    • Just a warning – it’s like really addictive drugs, couple of episodes and you’re hooked!!! But it is Awesome. 🙂

      I’m so glad that I was able to give something to your day.


  7. I dont know the show, but will definitely look it up on the Internet. If you don’t believe in yourself how can you expect others to believe in you?. Sometimes however there comes a person along who think he/she is the only one that is always right and the only person that may have an opinion, I lost a friend – or I thought she was a friend – just because I believe in myself and believe in my opinion. She is so angry at me she don’t even greet me anymore and I bet she is jealous that I can carry on with my life without her.


    • Sadly I would agree with you. Those who seek to control what we believe by withholding friendship are always shocked and hurt when life goes on without them.


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