Enough of the Seriousness I Need a Laugh

soap box


OK – I will admit to have been carting my soap box around with me this week but if you’ve read my posts in the Rant section you’ll understand why.  So I’ve decided that weekends will be devoted to the fun and maybe some work on my writing.

I’d like you to think of one story, joke or picture that has stayed with you and never fails to give you a laugh – even if no one else gets the funny, maybe especially if no one else gets the reason you dissolve into a small quivering ball of giggles and snorts.

So I’ll get the ball rolling – Was playing trivial pursuit years ago with some friends and one of the questions was ‘What is the Welsh National Emblem?’ – needless to say we all went Dragon or some such creature.



The answer my friends is … wait for it…. The Leek – yes I do not jest The Leek.  For some reason this just really tickled and I lost it – tears the whole bit. I kept burbling saying I wonder if the they have odes to the leek etc.

Now the rest of them were looking at me as if I had suddenly dropped my disguise and just appeared as a two-headed alien. That of course only made me laugh harder.

So what was it that grabbed you and sent you to the land of hysteria laughter? Share the funny as it has value more than gold.

9 thoughts on “Enough of the Seriousness I Need a Laugh

  1. This makes no sense and I know I shouldn’t think it’s funny, but here we go.

    I was in an English class a while back and this guy called himself “peepee-fart-face” I couldn’t stop laughing. Anytime I hear that ridiculous name I almost pee myself.


    • What do you mean you think it isn’t funny – it’s the perfect blend and silly and downright rude as well as mixed with the shock of someone actually calling “themselves” that which creates the perfect laugh – this is similar to the perfect storm but with less wind and loss of life. It does often involve rolling around helplessly, at times hmmm lets just say ‘water damage’ and comes out of nowhere leaving you breathless. Just what I wanted to hear for this weekend – Thank you and I hope you advised the young man as to the direction of the nearest counselor as I would say he needs it.


  2. One of my favorite incidents was when my apartment mate came out in his new sweatpants. He’d ordered them off of Amazon and the website did not tell him that they had “ne wear just sitting arround” written in big letters across the rear end. He wears them around our apartment, and even months after, my other roommate and I crack up every time he wears them. We ask him, “What are you doing? Just sitting around?” or “Where are you going to be today? Anywhere?” and crack ourselves up. He is good-humored and enjoys the laughs, but I think he learned a good lesson about online shopping. 🙂



    • That’s brilliant – yes it does always pay to take a careful look at what you are purchasing on-line. Well I suppose he got relaxation specific clothing out of it.


    • Thanks – I will be more than interested in reading those. I really enjoy doing this but there is still that competative part of me that also wants to succeed in doing this. Obviously I have further to go in my spiritual evolution to be a better person so in the meantime I’ll read your recommends and learn to be a better blogger, chances are that will be a lot more achievable for me than the whole spiritual growth thing. xx Jen


      • I hear you, J. I get it. I’ll be writing on success, a pet topic, on OM’s this wk. On being good enough – and not. And the spiritual is a long, long journey. But the best there is.



  3. True and while I do work hard at it there are times when you want to just throw your hands in the air and just cry ‘enough I’ve done enough emotional growth for the year’. Will keep going however that’s what life is a journey of growth and learning with all the joy and pain that goes into it. Take care xx Jen


  4. 1992; in medical ward of Gold Coast Hospital. Young man in bed opposite me in acute pain and being treated with penicilan; I have been in hospital for two months; same bed; same routine. Elderly man next to me surrounded by family, friends, medical officers, students, and nurses stands up out of bed and loses his pyjama pants to nakidity; unaware, for what I thought was at least 2-3 minutes; I noticed that nobody was prepared to comment; except the laughter screams of myself and the young man opposite.


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